COVID-19 Guidance & Resources
Local, State, and National Resources for You and Your Business
Information regarding the coronavirus is hitting everyone hard and heavy. Our intention here at the Chamber is to share what we think can be helpful to our members and the broader community without contributing to information overload and inbox fatigue. Neither do we want to duplicate efforts that are happening elsewhere.
City of Lander News and Updates – The latest from the City’s website.
Lander United – A project that ties together multiple local relief efforts for organizations and businesses. Partners include the Lander Chamber of Commerce, the Lander Economic Development Authority (LEDA), and the Lander Community Foundation (LCF).
Lander Strong – An initiative began by local small business owner Ron Hansen. Business owners and individuals with services to offer are encouraged to submit services or offers to provide small businesses stability in this very unstable environment.
Lander Small Business Relief & Recovery Fund – In June, the Chamber and the Lander Economic Development Association (LEDA) disbursed more than $16,000 in grants to Lander businesses suffering from the effects of COVID-19-related public health restrictions mandated by the State of Wyoming. The purpose of the R&R Fund is to provide immediate financial relief in the form of grants to help business owners retain their businesses and their employees as a bridge of support before additional state and federal resources becomes available. Funding for the grants was donated from entirely private sources including two foundations, individual Landerites, and fellow business owners. All funds from the initial round have been disbursed. Should more funds become available for additional rounds of funding, the Chamber and LEDA will announce that publicly.
Fremont County
Fremont County Public Health Department COVID-19 Resources – Links to resources, press releases, and state information.
Fremont County Public Health Coronavirus Response – Information, maps, and resources about the coronavirus reponse in our local area. Updates from the Fremont County Public Health Department and the Fremont County Incident Management Team are posted here.
SageWest Health Care Coronavirus (COVID-19) Preparedness Information – COVID-19 Online Risk Assessment (CDC) and information on specific steps and precautions SageWest is taking to ensure the safety of patients, employees, providers, and visitors.
Wyoming Hunger Initiative (Fremont County) – Information on school closure meals and food pantries.
Wyoming Small Business Development Center Network – Contact the SBDC Network to strategize and develop individualized plans to keep your business running as smoothly as possible during this difficult time. This page also provides a robust collection links to information on loans and capital, payroll and taxes, industry-specific resources, as well as advice on how to protect you, your employees, your cusotmers, and your business from COVID-19. (Information updated regularly.)
Wyoming Business Council (WBC) – COVID-19 response tips for employers, employees, and communities. Resources include links to technical, financial, and human resources assistance, supply chain security, health coverage and child care, unemployment benefits, Internet connectivity, food access and insecurity, and rural-specific and general assistance available to local governments and nonprofits.
Wide Open Wyo – A a one-stop site from the Wyoming Business Council for customers to see whether businesses are providing special hours, new services like takeout, delivery, or online shopping or even accommodations to serve at-risk populations.
Wyoming Department of Health Infectious Disease Epidemiology Unit – Information and recommendations on how to help avoid becoming ill and spreading COVID-19 to the most vulnerable.
Governor’s Orders/Directives – List of executive orders and declarations issued by Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon or Wyoming State Health Officer Alexia Harrist.
State of Wyoming COVID-19 Information – Governor Mark Gordon has created five COVID-19 task forces: Health, Education, Services and Operations, Business, Financial and Employees, and Transportation and Infrastructure.
Manufacturing Works (MW) – A center of theUniverisytof Wyoming, MW is Wyoming’s premier non-profit consultancy with staff engineers and business consultants who can guide you through prototyping, supply chains, manufacturing
Department of Family Services – An regularly updated map of licensed child care providers in the state who remain open.
Department of Workforce Services Unemployment Insurance – DWS is working with technical experts to develop programming within the Wyoming UI system to accommodate the new federal relief programs. DWS intends to begin issuing payments at the end of the week of April 27, if not sooner.
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Path Forward: Navigating the Return to Work – America is beginning to consider what it will take to restart the economy after a lengthy shutdown. Path Forward, a new program from the U.S. Chamber Foundation, is designed to help business and community leaders find the answers they need to develop a responsible reopening strategy.
State-by-State Business Reopening Guidance – The latest guidelines, timelines, and other critical information for businesses aiming to restart safely and sustainably amid the pandemic, as well as (at the bottom of each state profile) a link to the latest information for employers in that state.
Independent Contractor’s Guide to CARES Act Relief – If you are an independent contractor or self-employed, you may be eligible for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans/grants, SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL), and/or Unemployment Compensation for losses of income related to the coronavirus pandemic.
Small Business Resources & Guidance – Information regarding the Coronavirus Small Business Hub, Guide to Small Business Energency Loans (PPP), Guide to Small Business Economic Injury Disaster Laons (EIDLs), CARES Act Relief for Independent Contractors, and National Small Business Town Hall Series.
The White House
The Biden-Harris Plan to Beat COVID-19 – President Biden and Vice President Harris have a seven-point plan to beat COVID-19 that ensures all Americans have access to regular, reliable, and free testing, fixes personal protective equipment (PPE) problems for good, and provides clear, consistent, evidence-based guidance for how communities should navigate the pandemic – and the resources for schools, small businesses, and families to make it through.
U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
COVID-19-Related Tax Credits for Required Paid Leave Provided by Small and Midsize Businesses FAQs