Photo Credit: Brad Christensen
Leadership Fremont County
Enroll Today
Download and complete the LFC Application and return it to
- The program starts in September 2022 with a full day registration session.
- The program cost for Leadership Fremont County is $450.00, which is due upon acceptance and is non-refundable once the class begins. This cost includes meals and materials for each session.
- The costs associated with travel and any other personal expense will be the responsibility of each student. Your employer MUST APPROVE your participation in the program.
- Classes will be held once a month beginning September 2022 and continuing through June 2023 (Note there are two sessions in September and possibly one additional month).
- Generally, but not always, the classes will be held on the third Thursday of each month–

Learning Objectives
- Understand industry leaders for public, private, and non profit sectors in our local economy.
- Enhance networking skills and develop relationship within the community.
- Identify, define, development and demonstrate leadership skills.
- Understand emergent issues, identify opportunities, and purse solutions.
Applicant Selection Criteria
- Attend and actively participate in monthly sessions in order to learn to apply leadership skills to recognize and solve community needs.
- Become involved in LEADERSHIP FREMONT COUNTY in order to continue and improve the program as the needs of Fremont County change.
- Take insights, skills, and contacts gained in LEADERSHIP FREMONT COUNTY and apply them to community activities and organizations in which the participant is either currently involved or becomes involved as a result of the program.
- Apply leadership to the needs of Fremont County by recognizing and pursuing those needs through creative problem solving and mobilization of resources.
Schedule of Sessions
- Schedule not yet finalized
- Sept
- October
- Nov
- Dec
- Jan
- Feb
- Mar
- Apr
- May
- June – Graduation

Leadership Fremont County is currently in its 18th year, which was started jointly by the Lander and Riverton Chambers of Commerce.
- Initial funding was provided by the Wyoming Business Council through its regional representative, Roger Bower.
- The Leadership Fremont County Program was founded in 2003 by a joint steering committee comprised of representatives from the Riverton Chamber of Commerce, Lander Chamber of Commerce, Wind River Indian Reservation, Dubois Community Project, City of Riverton, City of Lander, NOLS, and Central Wyoming College.
- The purpose of the program is to introduce and orient established and prospective leaders to the great community of Fremont County, identify individuals who have displayed a strong tendency toward civic involvement, and assist them in developing their potential to become community leaders.
Board of Directors
- Terri Hays – Dept of Workforce Services
- Eric Carr– HDR Engineering
- Linda Tice
- Faith Wallowing Bull– Eagle Eye Accounting
- Tara Carr– Frontier Home Health & Hospice
- Carol Chidsey
- Terri Hays – Fremont County School Dist. #25
- Dawn Willhelm Inberg – Miller Engineers
What we are
- Leadership Fremont County is a series of at least nine sessions over a 9 month period covering such areas as leadership skills, decision-making, strategic planning and coalition-building.
- Important topics that will be examined include area history, economic development, social-economic factors, tourism & marketing, education, and tribal history and relations.
- College credits are possibly available upon graduation.