In 1986 the local U.S. Steel mine closed. Caring neighbors concerned how this economic downturn might affect their neighbors came together with the goal of sourcing food to lessen hunger. This was Lander Care & Share Food Bank’s (LCSFB) beginning.

The mission of the LCSFB is to provide emergency food to people in need, regardless of income. A non-profit 501(c)(3) managed by a volunteer board of directors and an executive director, the Lander Care & Share Food Bank is almost entirely supported by donor contributions.
For more than 30 years, from a tiny dilapidated house at the LCSFB’s current location, neighbors continued to acquire and distribute emergency food to hundreds of hungry neighbors. As the need grew, in 2008 the facility at 281 Garfield was built. Now, over 50 caring volunteers’ acquire and distribute emergency food to well over 1,000 individuals each month, a number that rose to 2,000 during COVID.
Although demand eventually decreased with the addition of new food banks, (some temporary, others permanent) the LCSFB is observing an increase in food insecurity. Adding to that is the lack of affordable food available for the food bank to purchase through its regular vendors. The LCSFB hopes to find new opportunities and expand its purchasing base.

Lander Care & Share Food Bank is looking forward to the local vegetable season and has partnered with Wyoming First Lady Jenny Gordon’s Hunger Initiative to not only grow, but also to receive local produce. It has always been the LCSFB’s goal to try to include nutritious items in our food boxes.
Lander Care & Share Food Bank thanks the community for its continued support both financially and with food donations throughout the years. The LCSFB could NOT have stayed open to distribute food essentials if it were not for the generous support of neighbors.