New Member! Welcome, White Heart Foundation!
While a student at Pepperdine University in 2008, Ryan Sawtelle established there the Wave of Flags 9/11 memorial, consisting of 2,977 U.S. flags paying tribute to the fallen. Later that year, Ryan co-founded the Ride to the Flags motorcycle ride to raise funds for...
Understanding Lander’s Housing Shortage
The shortage of available and affordable housing here in Lander is not just a local problem. Towns and cities all across Wyoming and, indeed, all across the country, are experiencing the same housing troubles as we are here in Fremont County. At a recent meeting of...
Meet Ami Vincent – LOR Foundation’s New Community Officer
The LOR Foundation is excited to announce that Ami Vincent has joined the team as Lander’s community officer. Ami will work directly with local residents to support community-driven projects that improve quality of life in Lander. Ami Vincent has lived in Lander since...
Double Your Productivity By Asking Yourself These Simple Questions
Meetings get a bad rap for limiting productivity from the day. While work-from-home and office hybrid hours have changed how we attend meetings, meetings themselves are still a staple of everyday office life. When meetings are called because of a false sense of...
NFIB: Small Business’ Expectations for Future Hit 48-year Low
Small business optimism continues to fall as inflation leads to record-high price increases For the fifth consecutive month, the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Optimism Index has been below the 48-year average. The Small Business Economic Trends...
Chamber’s “Lander Biz Show” Awarded by Wyoming Association of Broadcasters
On the same day the Lander Chamber of Commerce was kicking off summer with our annual Lander Brewfest, the Wyoming Association of Broadcasters was awarding our brand new radio show and podcast -- The Lander Biz Show -- with second place recognition in its category of...
New Member! Welcome, Mamaw’s Kitchen!
Mamaw’s Kitchen is Lander’s full service family restaurant serving up made-from-scratch comfort food. You can go anywhere and get frozen food from a box heated up and put on a plate. Not at Mamaw’s! Most everything is made from scratch in Mamaw’s Kitchen. She makes...
NFIB Legal Update: Federal Courts Rule in Small Business’ Favor
Across the nation, the NFIB Small Business Legal Center is involved in dozens of court cases concerning the rights of small businesses. Recently, two federal courts issued rulings in favor of small business interests. In both cases, NFIB filed amicus briefs advocating...
Celebrating 20 Years of Lander Brewfest
What began 20 years ago as a modest gathering of brewers in Lander’s Jaycee Park has become one of the premier independent craft brew festivals in the Rocky Mountain West. Lander Brewfest -- "The Best Little Brewfest in the West” -- is little no longer. More Brewers...
Hugging your haters: How Jay Baer thinks you should handle a crisis
Whether you're dealing with a conflict at home, with your neighbors, or at your place of business, it can be easy to become bogged down in old ways of working through problems. Jay Baer is the author of five New York Times bestseller books and President of the global...